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Do you need to pass an English exam and find a job with a decent salary?
Or perhaps you just want to improve your English skills?
I invite you to join my lessons! Both individual and group classes are available.
I also run a paid private Telegram group focused on IELTS writing tasks. The cost of membership is €30 or £25 per month. Members work on developing their writing skills with my feedback (two essays per week + daily tasks on essay fragments and graph descriptions).
Payment options include Sberbank, PayPal, or a UK bank transfer.
Only in December, I’m offering a 50% discount on the first two lessons if you choose individual classes.
Additionally, there is a 50% discount for joining the private Telegram group in December.
Don’t miss this opportunity—sign up now!
Or perhaps you just want to improve your English skills?
I invite you to join my lessons! Both individual and group classes are available.
I also run a paid private Telegram group focused on IELTS writing tasks. The cost of membership is €30 or £25 per month. Members work on developing their writing skills with my feedback (two essays per week + daily tasks on essay fragments and graph descriptions).
Payment options include Sberbank, PayPal, or a UK bank transfer.
Only in December, I’m offering a 50% discount on the first two lessons if you choose individual classes.
Additionally, there is a 50% discount for joining the private Telegram group in December.
Don’t miss this opportunity—sign up now!
Darba veidi (1)
Mājskolotāji, instruktori
Svešvalodu privātskolotāji
Angļu valoda
10,00 - 30,00 €/stunda
Angļu valoda
Диплом - 914865
Пройден 6-ти недельный курс по подготовке учеников к IELTS (Институт языков в Норидж, Англия) - NILE Institute
Обучение Английскому через Литературу. - Teaching English through Literature
Курс по обучению студентов говорению. - How to teach Speaking.
Методика подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку в свете изменений 2022-2023 года. - 612419716690